Thursday, June 19, 2014

Solitary Celebrations

One of the best things in life is human connection. We just aren't  made to be alone. We are conditioned to need compassion, love and trust. When we don't get to experience those things we slowly fall into a depression. That's probably why its possible to die from a broken heart. Growing up, those of us that are lucky enough to be surrounded by people who love us got to enjoy Christmas, birthdays, and other celebratory functions as children.
Then you learn as you get older, those celebrations don't mean as much when you have no one to share those moments with. Birthdays, Christmas', birthdays and other holidays just don't mean as much as you would like them to.
I just recently moved to Los Angeles to follow my dreams. I left behind my family and friends for uncharted territory across the country. I know that it was something I needed to experience and a chance I needed to take, but there are days like this one I wish I stayed in Atlanta with my family. Today is my birthday and instead of celebrating it with my family and friends back home, I'm sitting at home alone blogging. Pity is not what I'm trying to gain but sometimes to others who feel the same and they read something like this, its nice to know that you aren't the only one.
I haven't found love or my place in this world yet but I'm definitely searching for it. Its really hard to not let thoughts like these bring you down. Especially when you're by yourself often. These thoughts can creep up on you when you least expect it. It doesn't take much; music, couples, others who enjoy their happiness or holidays can be tough on those who don't have the exuberant feeling of human connection.
Some people tell you that you should get over it and count your blessings. Screw them! Its okay to feel whatever you may be feeling. Don't let anyone tell you what you're feeling isn't just, because it is! No one can tell you how to feel or make you feel bad for feeling it.
Solitary celebrations aren't easy to get through but you know what? We can get through it. Its just temporary. I hope you all find your smiles. Maybe we'll find them together :-) Happy birthday, Merry Christmas, Happy 4th, Happy New Years, Happy Valentines day and all the other holidays to lonely hearts out there!

Friday, November 22, 2013

On The Road To Recovery

Turns out I have an illness I wasn't even aware I had. The recovery process wont be easy...That much I know. I was sick and tired of being sick and tired. I've been stagnant so long, I forgot how to move. Then this amazing long shot of an opportunity came to rest itself in my lap. The question stopped being "Can I do it?" and became "How can I do it?"
How does one manage to stay ahead of the burdensome curve called "life?" Well for one, TRY! So many of us fall victim to the fear of failed effort. Some of us are so afraid to try because we are scared the results won't be in our favor. We seem to forget its like what "they" say..."You won't know until you try!"
My adolescent best friend, we'll call him "Jeffery," has a lot to do with this decision I had to pick up my life and place it back down into a world of failure as well as triumph. Because that's what the world is. That's what the world has to offer and believe it or not but that includes EVERYONE.
Here I am driving by myself from Atlanta to Los Angeles to pursue the oh so stereotypical dream of becoming successful in the most difficult field EVER!!! Acting and stand up comedy.
I have no idea if I will be successful in this venture or if its a waste of time. But I do plan to live every moment along the way to the fullest. I don't want fame and fortune. What I do want is success? Many people do not know the difference between the two. Success to me is being able to take care of myself with the thing i love to do the most in the world is which is make people smile.Whether its getting on stage and being blinded by stage lights telling "knock-knock" jokes or turning a script into reality before your eyes. That my friends, is what I call success. I am headed in the right direction, on I-10 west bound to Los Angeles! I have no idea where the road will take me but I do know this much, I'm on the road to recovery!

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Racey Hatred

So the verdict is in..."On the count of second degree murder, George Zimmerman, is found not guilty!" when I heard this I was appalled. I was driving in my car listening to 106.7fm all news radio in my car. I literally pulled over because I was so shocked! I do not agree with the verdict and I think the prosecutors did the best they could with the circumstances they were given! However America, is not going to take this well! Everyone has turned this trial into a racial issue. Maybe it was maybe it wasn't, but it's not for us to decide. I don't care if Zimmerman is part Hispanic, White, blue or green; he will have to deal with this for the rest of his crappy life! Only three beings can determine what really happened that night, Trevon, George and of course the only Juror that matters, God.

Trevon is where George Zimmerman can't touch him!

I know because of this verdict, Zimmerman will not be safe, physically, financially, or emotionally for a long while. There are people out there that cannot see beyond their own hatred, anger and confusion who might try to harm Zimmerman and/or his family. That would be WRONG, because then theybwould become the very person they think Zimmerman is. Fear and hatred is a disease to the mind that can be spread from person to person. The only one who can stop it is you! Zimmerman is not out the woods yet, I'm sure there will be civil suits and probably federal suits to follow for the next few years.
This man wanted to play cops and robbers and took the life of an unarmed 17yr old boy. Whether it was racial or not, he has to deal with what he did for the rest of his life. The world will not let him forget. I don't think "justice" was served at all. But I also don't think retaliation is the answer either! I hope people do not take matters into their own hands! Especially while screaming "Justice for Trevon!" I'm sure his family doesn't want anyone using their sons name to satisfy their own vendetta!

Both of these people are children of God and only he can judge us!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Don't let fear stop you!

FEAR! Fear stops all of us from something. Whether its from asking someone out, going after that promotion you deserve, or meeting new people. There are different levels of fear. Many fears can be conquered. We just have to take that next step. Someone once told me fear stood for "Forget Everything And Run" It doesn't have to be that way. Lets use our fears to strengthen us instead. Think of overcoming your fears as a challenge, an adventure. Ask that girl out! Go for that promotion!  You can't get what you want if you don't ask! Now if you're scared of demons, ghosts, or bugs, I cant help you there. But everyday life type "fear", don't let that stop you from achieving your goals. Don't let fear be another word for excuse!

You block your dream when you allow your fear to grow bigger than your faith. ~Mary Manin Morrissey

In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure! ~Bill Cosby

It won't always be easy, but when you succeed from hard work, it makes enjoying success even sweeter.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Violence Seems To Be Everywhere

I am sick to death of these assholes who shoot up public places for whatever reason they may have. In my opinion no reason is good enough to justify killing or attempting to kill innocent people. I honestly don't care if someone picked on you and made fun of your clothes or called you fat, or said you're never gonna get a girlfriend. SO WHAT? We all deal with mean and rude people who just like others feeling miserable. They will get theirs soon enough but it shouldn't be by your hand and in the process destroying other lives as well.
There have been over a dozen school shooting/massacres since 96'. Many people lost their lives, many lost their family and friends. Over what? I cant answer that for you.
I'm sure you all remember the Columbine High School Massacre in 1999. Two students stormed Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado and murdered 12 other students aged 14 to 18 as well as a teacher. A further 24 people were injured before the attackers, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, killed themselves.
You may not remember the University of Texas Clock Tower Shootings in 1966. Charles Whitman pointed a rifle from the observation deck of the University of Texas at Austin’s Tower and began shooting in a homicidal rampage that went on for 96 minutes. He killed fifteen people and wounded 31 others before being shot dead by police.
The Virgina Tech in 2007, Seung-Hui Cho, killed 32 people and wounded many more, before committing suicide, making it the deadliest school shooting in U.S. history.
That's not even the tip of the ice burg. Not only is it dangerous to go to school, now you cant even go to the movies feeling safe. July 20, 2012 the hit film The Dark Knight Rises made its debut and a gunman, James Holmes, opened fire on innocent people looking to just simply watch a movie in Auroa, Colorado. He killed 12 people and injured over 20 people.
Now this asshole sits in court "pretending to have lost his mind. I guess he's pleading not guilty by reason of insanity. I certainly hope the people don't by that garbage.
 My family and i went to see The Dark Knight Rises the same night at the same time at AMC 24 Southlake in Jonesboro, GA. I sat there with popcorn in hand, wide eyed at the amazing film only to later learn that another theater was experiencing a horror they never could have even imagined. My prayers go out to all those injured and those who lost loved ones.
Where can we go and feel safe? Is it too much to ask to be able to go to school, a movie or walk down the street without fear that some psycho will start randomly shooting into a crowd a people. When will this end??? I just want to turn on the news and see footage of a cat stuck in a tree or little Timmy fell down the well again. But sadly i know that we live in world where sometimes horrible things happen. I'm so tired of all this violence. What about you? this website makes me sad. Its hard to believe ppl would do this.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

True Romance

New relationships are the best. Things are exciting. You never know what's going to happen. Everything is new. You have this feeling of euphoria . Their kiss is sweet, their touch is soft, and their voice gives you tingles down your spine every time they utter your name. The way they look at you makes you melt into a puddle of feelings. You can't stop touching them, you just can't keep your hands off them. The way they hold you takes your breath away. The things they say to you makes you want lay in bed with them all night long. For those of you who have this kind of relationship, cherish it. It can only get better. As long as you treat each other right, you can't go wrong. And if you still feel like that after a year or 2 or 3 then you are so lucky.Surprise them with flowers or cook them their favorite meal. let them know that you are there for them. Don't wait until Valentines Day to show you care. Leave special notes for them. Don't hesitate to tell them you care. Because when you get to the point of them telling you they love you. It's a feeling that will make your toes curl. I can't even begin to explain how it feels to have someone care about you so much.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

DANGER ONLINE "Megan is Missing"

So i just finished watching the film "Megan Is Missing" All i can say is... is... "Wow!!!" From what i understand this film was fiction but, things like that actually happen. It's scary to know that.
The movie is about a 14 yr girl named Megan who is a bit reckless with her body. She is very flirtatious and open with boys. Till she makes the mistake of meeting a man she met online, who claimed to be a teenage boy named "Josh". She goes to meet him and is never seen again. Her best friend Amy knew something was wrong when she never heard from Megan. She knew that "Josh" had something to do with Megan's disappearance. She shared with the police her thoughts about online intruder. "Josh" gets angry and threatens Amy if she doesn't keep her mouth closed. Then Amy found herself in the same predicament as her best friend. The two teenage girls were raped repeatedly and abused in more ways than one!
This film was graphic and disturbing! It was filmed using a mix of storytelling techniques including web cam footage, video chats and dramatized news reports. Choosing to film this movie in that way, allowed the viewer to feel as if they were apart of the whole ordeal. The last 30 minutes was VERY difficult to watch! I don't have any children and I'm not sure i want to bring them into this SCARY world! I'm aware that the movie was fiction but it is based of events that happen in past, this and future lifetimes. It is in my opinion a must see movie. It opens your eyes to a world one would want to pretend isn't there.
Me watching "Megan Is Missing"